Flow binding fitting tip

I love my Flow bindings and have persevered through many breakage / replacement / upgrade cycles to keep using them.

One downside that persisted, however, was the fact that, due to having only a single foot strap, it was always difficult to adjust them to fit comfortably while working properly. In particular, I found that if I tightened them up enough to avoid heel lift the pressure on my instep was unbearable. The following tip really helped to get a better fit.

On a stove, bring a large pan of water to a boil, and then reduce the heat to simmer.

Place the foot cover in a plastic bag, and place in the simmering water, open end up so as not to get any water in.

Leave for a couple of minutes while you put your boots on!

After a couple of minutes remove the foot cover from the bag; the heat should have softened the plastic and made it extremely flexible; if it's still stiff, return to the bag and boil for a couple more minutes.

When it's nice and bendy, put your foot on the binding plate and clip the foot cover back onto the ratchet clips, pressing well down so there's a good tight fit all over the foot. As the cover cools it 'sets' to the exact shape of your boot, although it will remain flexible.

I remembered reading it on usenet ages ago and, thanks to Google, it is still there.

25 November 2003 Permalink | Comments (1)

thanks for the awesome tip!

Posted by: awesome at January 23, 2004 04:06 PM
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