When I first started to promote this site I listed it with all the usual search engines and with the Open Directory Project (ODP), the open source directory of The Web. The ODP is built and maintained by the collaboration of thousands of volunteer editors and its directory data is freely available and is used by most of the major search engines.
While hunting around to find the most appropriate ODP category for Snowgo I noticed that within the Snowboarding Category there were over 300 sites split into a dozen or so sub categories and that no one at the ODP was specifically responsible for editing any of them. So I volunteered as an editor.
Once accepted I got straight down to work determined to sort the wheat from the chaff and tidy up the small sub category in which I had been given editing permissions. It turned out to be harder work than I imagined as I reviewed site after site trying to weigh up whether or not they were worthy of inclusion, whether they were listed in the most appropriate sub category and if not where to move them to.
After several months of editing in a small sub category I was asked if I would like to help out with the Snowboarding category as a whole, albeit with limited "Greenbusting" permissions allowing me to review only newly submitted sites (listed in green on the editor's dashboard). Eager to refine the Snowboarding category, I immediately accepted.
The workload proved to be more than I can cope with, thoroughly checking the submitted sites can be a time consuming process, especially on anything but the fastest connection, so I am calling for help. If you love snowboarding and the Web why not consider volunteering to edit one of the snowboarding sub categories?