I thought it was time to start letting people know about a new experimental web project I have been contemplating for a while: Snowspots is a wiki web site about great spots to ride (or ski if you must).
A wiki, for anyone still unfamiliar with the concept, is a web site that anyone can edit. The most famous example is Wikipedia a collaborative encyclopaedia which itself has a comprehensive explanation of the wiki concept.
The aim of Snowspots is to offer a collaboratively edited database of ski runs. To contribute simply add some details of your favourite runs!
Update: Well I did say it was an experiment and I am afraid to say that after a year or so even I had not got around to adding much content so I have given up on the idea. 16-Sep-05.
Nice idea! Interesting use of wiki.
Posted by: Summer Blues at September 22, 2004 11:45 PM